Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Beautiful Skin in Days

Nowadays, it looks like everybody has beautiful skin. Why is that? The answer is Photoshop and makeup. Do you want healthy, natural-looking skin that glows? Follow these simple steps to achieve that super skin.

1. Wash
Gently wet your face with warm water. Find a skin cleanser that is right for you. I recommend Cetaphil because it works for almost any skin type. Gently apply and scrub face. Rise with warm water and dry. Remember to wash every day. (Best to do it in the shower.)

2. Apply Lotion, Ointment or Cream
It is always important to hydrate your skin. I highly recommend Egyptian Magic because it hydrates, replenishes and beautifies your skin. I also recommend Cetaphil Lotion because it hydrates almost any skin type. Apply moderately. (Use lotion after washing because your pores are open and ready for lotion!)

3. In the Meantime...
While your skin is being treated by products, you can speed up the process by exercising, eating right and drinking water. Exercising is a great way to make you happy and make all of you healthy. Including your skin. Eating right is the most important. You are what you eat, they always say. Eating healthy will make you healthy. Drinking water helps to replenish your body and to make new skin cells grow. If you want to grow out your hair as well, drink water.

4. Time to Hit the Hay
Sleep. Something our body needs for survival. It not only helps us physically, but also mentally. We need at least 8 hours of sleep each day. It is always better to sleep more. When we sleep, our bodies grow, loose weight and replenish. Sleep is also when your skin repairs itself. For best skin results, SLEEP!

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